Wednesday, June 17, 2015

5 Bear-Hug-Guaranteed DIY gifts ideas for dear old Dad this father's day!

Hello Universe!

Top of the week's goodness to you all.  I trust your week is spanning out great. Well, well, well, this Sunday is Father's Day! Yaaaaaaay! The Team at EasyLivingDose is super excited! Father's Day is that one time in the year when we give a shout out to the father's in all households! Whether you call yours Dad, Daddy, Pa, Papa, Papi, Pops, Popsy(I secretly loathe that term), Step Dad, Father-in-law, Father, Old Man, Hubby or Padre, now is the time to celebrate them and let them know just how special they are to you.

Don't forget how big of a rock your dad has been to you through the years. (Provider, confidant, homework buddy, basketball stud, fishing bud, personal driver, cheerleader, twirler, date, chef, coach, wingman to name a few). He's laid the foundation for you and you secretly or openly consider him your best bud or hero. NOW is appreciation time. Express your love for Daddy.  The Good News is, though Dads like to act all tough and muscle, they are in fact very emotional. Just ask Mom! Dads generally appreciate any gift (fact!).

For those who do not have living fathers :( (May the souls of the departed rest in Perfect Peace) or non existent fathers (Now will be a good time to reconcile with warring fathers),  I am sure there is someone who has impacted your life positively and who you now consider a father figure. Show him how much you care. Knock his socks off with these Do-it-Yourself goodies.  

You know what they say about gifts, if they come straight from the heart, they touch the receiver's heart making them extra special. Which other gift could come from the heart other than the one you make yourself? 

So here are the 5 hug inducing DIY gifts that will surely make Pop swoon. Literally. (Put together by EasyLivingDose) 

Some are easier to make than the others, but it's not rocket science,  if you put in the work, you will get the same results.

DIY Mustache Mug
This is even perfect if your Dad used to grow a mustache back in the day. This will make him feel a pang of nostalgia and make you an instant favourite child.  You will need a plain mug from the kitchen,  a sharpie pencil and porcelain gel or craft paint and a single brush to fill in paint after drawing the moustache outlines with the sharpie pencil.

EasyLivingDose Moustache mug
DIY Instructions and Photo Credit:
By Diyncrafts via

DIY Gatsby Hats aka Papa's Cap
If dear old Dad likes to wear hats,  then this is the perfect gift for him.  He will appreciate it the more when he realises you made it yourself.  

DIY Instructions and Photo Credit:
Visit Aboutgoodness
For a step by step tutorial 
DIY Tie card
Because ties are a prominent feature in a man's life, send your old man a DIY tie inspired greeting card. Get the kids involved in this one. It's a great way to encourage team spirit and strong work ethics. Catch them young. Spot on!

DIY Instructions and Photo Credit :
By Kazmataz via

DIY Simple stitched vinyl wallet 
All dad's carry a wallet,  your dad's might just be due for a change.  Make this really simple one in your dad's favorite color,  you can pick up strips of vinyl from your local carpenter's store.  Make it interesting by adding his favourite picture of the two of you. visit link below for step by step tutorial.

DIY Instructions and Photo Credit:

DIY PJ Pants
Dad needs a special sleep wear to lounge around the house in. What's even fun about this is you can chose one fabric and do make it for the entire family. Or for two if your folks are old or if you are a newly married couple. You get to choose a fabric (from your local fabric market) that speaks to his personality.  EasyLivingDose recommends striped patterns because they are timeless in fashiondom! Even if you can't sew, you can have your efficient tailor make it. It's the thought that counts right? I hear ya.

                                 DIY Instructions and Photo Credit:

And that's it!  If your Pops is far away, don't forget to send digital messages in forms or pictures, audio and video messages.  An audio - visual  message is a brilliant idea as this is something he can have for keeps and cherish.  You call also dedicate your social media profiles to dear dad for that one day. But ensure that is on those platforms,  hence he'll miss them all.

Ok. Now you have zero excuse,  EasyLivingDose's got your back. Go make Daddy proud.

Keep reading, keep living,